Connect Crédit Agricole to YNAB
Import your Crédit Agricole transactions into YNAB automatically and securely.
Start your 7 day free trial£3.99/month after your trial. Cancel anytime.
We support 84 banks in the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Ireland, Spain, Italy and France.
How does it work?
Connect your Crédit Agricole account
Securely connect your Crédit Agricole account in just a few clicks. We will then automatically keep your YNAB account up to date.
Transactions Import Automatically
We automatically import your transactions multiple times per day. No more CSV uploads or manually adding transactions in YNAB.
Automatic categorization
YNAB will remember your payee names, and categories, saving you lots of time.
“ I'm absolutely blown away by how easy this was to set up, and how smoothly the new transactions have come in. “